
一颗胶囊里的马赛鱼汤,Paul Pairet如何靠“记忆”创新?

年终策划 编辑/ 蔡阿七 2018.03.13

这是系列报道的第五篇,我们将对话影响型厨师——Paul Pairet。


PAUL PAIRET UV photo Scott Wright.jpg

这个爱好旅行的法国人,05年来到上海,打造翡翠36餐厅,以旅行中所遇见的气味、质感为灵感,打造出了Cuisine de voyage(旅人的厨艺),成为彼时的前卫餐厅。随后Mr & Mrs Bund、Ultraviolet、The Chop Chop Club三家风格迥异的餐厅相继开业(点击了解Paul打造三家餐厅的故事)。



Q:如何描述你的创作风格 ,你的菜品个性?


我的烹饪风格被标记为“前卫” ,准确地说,“更具体的前卫”,而非抽象的。详细地讲,全球视野,大胆和自信,不带成见地寻求本质,有血有肉地表达现代主义。




例如,我做了一道“Encapsulated Bouillabaisse”的菜 ,基于法国经典的马赛鱼汤,我的家乡法国颇受欢迎的一种口味作为基准。我集中味道中的各个元素和想法,将鱼汤浓缩在只有一小口的一个胶囊中。

UV FOOD-MICRO FISH NO CHIPS photo Scott Wright.jpg

Micro Fish No Chips

另一道菜“Micro Fish No Chips”,来自当时我在伦敦居住的记忆,源自英国著名的炸鱼薯条。一个巨大的刺果浆果里塞满了鯷鱼塔塔酱,裹上啤酒面糊油炸,放在一个超大的盘子里。这是经典的炸鱼薯条在味道和质地上的高度浓缩,而非真正的的炸鱼薯条。在Ultraviolet,我们加入了更多元素描绘它,墙上的巨大雨滴,伴随着巨大雨声,桌上的英国国旗,及披头士乐队的“Obladi-Oblada”。






UV FOOD-LUNAR MUSHROOM photo Scott Wright.jpg

Lunar Mushroom




另一方面,Mr & Mrs Bund 和 The Chop Chop Club是两家家庭分享风格的餐厅。菜品同样重要,但更亲切,更接地气。在这种情况下,它更多要考虑食客。


A:在我目前的3家餐厅,Ultraviolet、Mr & Mrs Bund和The Chop Chop Club,味道的调性是相同的。



Carabineros De Huelva





A:也许是一个设计师,设计有功能性的物品, 或是设计具有品质与艺术感作品的工匠。




Paul与The Chop Chop Club


Q:How would you describe the style of your creations - your personality?

A:This is not exactly what I said. To express my ideas through dishes, yes; but to express personality is not my intention.

The personality can be the influence during the creation process, and to be revealed in the end result.

My style of cuisine has been tagged as “avant-garde” - to be precise, “avant-garde figurative”, not abstract. To be more detailed - globally stamped, bold and assertive, essentialist with a total lack of prejudice, modern with flesh and bone.

Q:Has there been any new dish you’ve recently tasted that brought back memories? Is memory a common theme for you to create new dishes? And how do you usually convert them into a dish

A:Memory is certainly a common reference for my dish and my taste – and should be the same for many chefs.

Being French, my memory evolves from my childhood in France, and travel and life around the world.

One of my ways is to extract the essence of the popular tastes from my memory, make a caricature or concentration of it.

Example 1, I made a dish “Encapsulated Bouillabaisse” – based on a classic fish soup from Marseille France, with a popular taste – a reference taste from my country. I concentrate the ingredients, taste and idea of bouillabaisse into a capsule, in just one bite.

Example 2, I made a dish “Micro Fish No Chips” – for my memory when I lived in London, for the British national dish called Fish & Chips. A giant caper berry stuffed with anchovy tartar sauce, wrapped with beer batter and fried, served in an oversized plate. It’s a highly concentrated flavor and texture from a classic fish & chips, without being a fish & chips. At Ultraviolet, we even make more caricature of it; it’s enhanced with giant raindrops on the wall, sound of heavy rain, an English flag on the table, then the song “Obladiblada” from The Beatles.

Q:Have your cooking style changed in different stages of your life?

A:Not too much ever since I started doing my own dishes as a chef - I don’t change too much my belief in food.

Naturally the looks and constructions of the dishes have changed a bit because we have discovered new and different techniques/knowledges along the years.

Q:What are the key words in 2018’s culinary trends in your opinion?

A:Return to basics; Open fire, smoke… not much to say…

For me, trends don’t define the quality of execution.

And once you are in trend, you are out of trend - the same principle of when being in fashion, you are out of fashion.

Q:As a restaurateur, let’s say you have several factors to consider: restaurant, food and diners, which factor do you usually pay most attention to? And why?

A:I’m not really a restaurateur as such, I’m a chef.

It depends on the nature of the restaurant, and how you want a restaurant to be.

For example, Ultraviolet is where I control the offer, the timing, the rhythm… every element/step in the dinner production; it’s a space and time that I build around my food – in this case, it’s certainly the food.

On the other hand, Mr & Mrs Bund and The Chop Chop Club are two restaurants in family sharing style. My dishes there are equally essential, but homier, more populist – in this case, it’s a bit more the diners.

Q:You’ve built various restaurant concepts over your career, is there a common theme of these establishments? If so, what is it?

A:The tonality of taste and flavors is the same in my current 3 restaurants, Ultraviolet, Mr & Mrs Bund and The Chop Chop Club.

My different dishes in these restaurants, no matter the interpretation from classics or avant-garde creation, they are equally personal to me, full power and assertive in taste and idea, not necessarily better than the other.

Q:How do you understand the role of a chef? Do you think it has diverged to roles beyond cooking? If so, what are they and what are the connections between them?

A:For me the cultural role of a chef is more important than the social role.

The capacity of a chef is not only to cook, to create, but also to organize a team that is able to reproduce your personal sensibility, to translate your personal ideas.

As said, “The capacity of a chef is not only to cook, to create, but also to organize a team that is able to reproduce your sensibility, to translate your ideas.”This should be the focus of a chef in culture, or in culinary culture, as a matter of course.

I don’t aim for other cultural/social fields.

Q:If you were not a chef, what would you be doing right now?

A:Perhaps an object designer, designing objects with functionality; or a craftsman who makes quality artifacts with artistic feeling。




图片来源:Scott Wright of Limelight Studio

翻译:Yining Yaling

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